Expertise In All Aspects Of Patent & Design
Adiel Solicitors has a team of highly skilled patent and designs experts who work to help clients secure and protect their patent and designs rights. We work with inventors and businesses not only to ensure enduring patents are obtained for their work, but also to obtain adequate protection for the distinctive designs attached to their products.
We assist clients with the identification, protection, management and enforcement of their intellectual property rights.
We represent clients requiring patent and design registration in Nigeria and work with foreign attorneys to register foreign patents and designs.
Our practice areas include:
- Availability and Status Search
- Registrability of Inventions/Designs
- Patent and Designs Registration
- Portfolio Management
- Registration of Priority Designs
- Prosecution of Pending Applications
- Renewals and Notifications
- Assignment
- Licensing and FranchisingMatters
- Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
- Infringement Matters
- Registration of National Phase of the PCT
- Prosecution of the Nigeria Stage of International Patent Applications under the Patents Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
- Patent Registration under the OAPI and ARIPO Systems